
Spodaj prikazane fotografije so bile posnete z makro tehniko in čudno se mi zdi, da je nisem spoznala že prej. Vsebina je nastajala povsem spontano, saj se z natančnim objektivom da prav vsak predmet prikazati v zanimivi, drugačni luči. Kasneje sem se poigrala le še s...

Natural cosmetics

The report on natural cosmetics survey   INTRODUCTION This report presents the result of a survey on natural cosmetics involving 2nd year female students. It focuses on the purpose, the assumptions, the findings and personal comments. It was written by a student...


Practise your beliefs   A classmate complained that she has to go to Mass every Sunday even though she does not see the point in doing that. Despite her age, she is still afraid to admit her feelings to her grandmother, so she still goes to the church, which only...