Adrenaline rush

Adrenaline rush   This is an article dedicated to all the motorcycle fans such as myself. A motorcycle is a fun and equally fast vehicle on two wheels and not, in fact, a coffin on two wheels as many boring and overprotective parents may say. If you go to your...


Report on a fieldtrip to ARNES   Introduction This report focuses on the fieldtrip the school organized. The report was written by the excursion attendee on request of an English teacher. The report focuses on the why the event took place, activities,...


Spodaj lahko vidite 25 različnih slik narave, ki sem jih slikal na raznih izletih oz. med počitnicami. Večina slik ima zimski motiv, nekaj slik pa izstopa s toplejšim. Slike so bile večinoma slikane z avtomobilsko kamero GoPro HERO10. 🙂 Mrzlo morje Slika 1 of 25...