Laboratorijske vaje

To je fotoreportaža utrinkov iz letošnjih laboratorijskih vaj pri biologiji. Prikazan je potek vaj od začetka do konca. Na temo ene izmed teh vaj – analiza DNK paradižnika- je napisano tudi moje...

Diets and eating disorders

The thin line between dieting and an eating disorder In this day and age, dieting has become far too common and normalized. The problemis that eating disorders mainly start with innocent dieting. What is the difference between the two? When on a diet, you decide to...


Tu so zbrane fotografije arhitekture Jesenic, natančneje Stare Save, in starega mestnega jedra Radovljice. Slike sem posnela v zimskih mesecih tega leta. Jesenice in Radovljico sem si izbrala, ker sta obe mesti v moji bližini in ker sta se mi obe zdeli precej...


Report on biology experiment INTRODUCTION This report aims to present one of the experiments that 2nd-year students of Gimnazija Jesenice conduct in biology class. It’s written at request of the ITS English teacher by one of the 2nd-grade students that also...